

2022.2.25  – 3.13 

Through the relationship with TENSHADAI and gallery HAKU, We had a mural painted on the wall of CURATION HOTEL at ATAMI ART GRANT.
Also, at the beginning of 2022, We did a mural and exhibition “au milieu” at the newly opened CO&CO Nagoya, and We wanted to create an opportunity to exhibit in Tokyo.
In Tokyo, you can expect to see more of his work at Ueno Art Park and YAMANOTE ART MUSEUM in the near future.

TENSHADAIやgallery HAKUのご縁で、ATAMI ART GRANTにてCURATION HOTELの壁に壁画を描いていただきました。また、2022年頭には、名古屋に新しくできたCO&CO Nagoyaの壁画と展示「au milieu」も行い、ぜひ東京でも展示の機会をつくりたいと今回のタイミングとなりました。東京でも、近日ueno art parkやYAMANOTE ART MUSEUMにて目にする機会もふえていると思います。