2021.2.5 – 2.15
We are pleased to announce the "LAG-ED" EYƎ exhibition at Shinsaibashi PARCO and Shibuya PARCO, featuring the frontman of BOREDOMS, EYƎ, an artist popular both in Japan and abroad for his experimental expression in a wide range of fields including music and art. This exhibition will feature graphic works based on the theme of "LAG (afterimage)", as well as sales of commemorative goods.
BOREDOMS(ボアダムス)のフロントマン、音楽やアートなど幅広い分野でエクスペリメンタルな表現を追究し国内外問わず人気を博するアーティストEYƎの展覧会 "LAG-ED" EYƎ exhibition を心斎橋PARCOと渋谷PARCOにて開催いたします。本展覧会は"LAG(残像)"をテーマにしたグラフィック作品の展示と販売、展覧会記念グッズの販売をおこないます。